Core | Servicing – Vessels
Maintainence and Repair of our CO2 Pressure Vessels
Although our CO2 vessels have been designed for 10,000’s of pressure cycles, the repeated removal of the head to charge and discharge the pressure vessels contents acts to wear the seal. A regular schedule of maintanence ensures that the CO2 vessels keep working for longer periods and reducing the downtime to your research and production schedules.
Core | EV-Mini
Mini CO2 Extraction Vessel (for ESS and Waters MV10)
Our mini high pressure CO2 extraction vessels are a direct replacement for the Waters MV10 system vessels and are used on our replacement product, the ESS. This video details the assembly and disassembly of the thread caps, replacing the seal and servicing our new filter holders.
Core | EV-Maxi
Standard Extraction Vessels used on our systems.
Our EV maxi series extraction vessels are used on our Core | Extraction and Core | Reaction systems. The video describes the assembly and disassembly of the extrcation vessel, servicing of the cap filter and replacment of the sprung pressure seal.
Core | EV-K
Ultra high Pressure CO2 extraction vessel (1100 bar)
The ultra high pressure extraction vessel has a multi-piece head, that requires disassembly to access the high pressure sprung seal. The video describes the assembly and disassembly of this head to service this seal.

Core | Vessels Manual
This manual includes operating and servicing information for the EV-mini, EV-maxi and EV-K series CO2 extractor vessels. (Version 1.1)