Our Certification

Here at Core, we work with our partners across the globe to ensure our products meet both the highest standards whilst complying with all local laws and legislation.  All our products comply with AMSE, PED (CE), UKCA and CRN standards allowing us to provide a truly global product.

Certification Core Separations
Certification Core Separations
Certification Core Separations
Certification Core Separations


Certification Core Separations
Our vessels are built to ASME VIII pressure vessel codes used in North america and many other countries.  The code describes design, construction, maintinence and alteration of pressure vessel systems.

European Pressure Directive

Certification Core Separations

In order to place a product on the market within the European market, our product needs to meet a variety of European directives including the European pressure directive.   This directive covers the standards that need to be met in order to comply with the stringent safety requirements required in the EU for pressure systems.

The directive describes two individual processes that we compile with:

1. Firstly our vessels are assessed against a risk category as described in the PED directive.  Depending on the category the design and safety implications will be reviewed independently by an EU-recognised notifying body (NoB).  If approved a CE stamp will be awarded against a registered NoB which will include an identifying number.  For example SGS Portugal is CE1029.

2. Our assemblies also go through rigorous assessment.  A notifying body will again assess the system for safety and will award a CE stamp on assemblies deemed in a risk category III or higher.


This process is a legal requirement for any company wanting to supply pressure systems into a European country.

UKCA – Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016

Certification Core Separations

With the UK leaving the european union, the UK government has issued separate UK safety standards to replace the european conformity mark (CE) with the UKCA directives.  The directives came into force on January 2021 which included a pressure system standard.

The standard as of 2021, echos the european PED standard, requiring two conformity assessments:

1. Design assessment of a Pressure vessel by a authorised UKCA body such as SGS UK.

2. Assembly assessment of all pressure components.

If assessed to meet these standards the UKCA bodies issue a UKCA stamp to allow the product to enter the UK market.

This process is a legal requirement for any company wanting to supply pressure systems into the UK.

CRN (CSA B51:19)

Certification Core Separations

For some of our larger vessels we compile with Canadian Registration Number (CRN).  This is the Canadian system for reviewing and registering the design of pressure vessels and systems.  It follows a similar assesment when compared to the european risk cataegory system described in the PED.

Our designs follow the ASME VIII code coupled with  requirements described in the CSA B51:19 Boiler, pressure vessel, and pressure piping code.


This process is a legal requirement for any company wanting to supply pressure systems into Canada.

Thanks for visiting Core Separations. Please fill out this form if you have any questions about our products and we’ll be in touch soon!