When designing a high pressure pump the check valve design is usually overlooked and commercially available ones are used. However, the check valve design can dictate the motor size. The greater the back flow, the more the motor needs to compensate for the loss...
When performing an extraction, the most convenient accessory is the use of an internal basket. The basket allows you to both load and unload your extraction vessel relatively quickly giving you two major benefits. Quick loading and unloading allows increased...
We have discussed how flow meters can aid in troubleshooting the incoming CO2 flow. They are however, much more powerful than this. One of the most important metrics in any extraction is the solvent to extract ratio. This is the grams or kilograms of...
We have considered how pressure affects the incoming CO2 supply. The bottle is delivered at 55 bar and the pressure drops as the CO2 is consumed. Temperature effects on the CO2 is equally as important as pressure to CO2 density. Within an extraction system we...
One of the most overlooked aspect of any extraction system is the CO2 supply. It’s generally provided as a single CO2 cylinder, manifolded cylinder bank (12 -16 bottles manifolded) or by bulk storage (≥500 L @ 20 bar). The type of delivery depends...
We understand people are continuously looking to push the boundaries in their field of research. At Core Separations we want to help you explore those boundaries and help you to deliver your goals. We work on a number of “special projects” that deliver...